AlumiFoam is a closed cellular structure consisting of solid aluminum with gas-filled pores comprising a large portion of the volume, typically only 5–25% of the volume is the base metal ‘Aluminum’.

AlumiFoam is made by injecting gas. Normally, bubbles in molten metal are highly buoyant in the high-density liquid and rise quickly to the surface. This rise can be slowed by increasing the viscosity of the molten metal by adding ceramic powders or alloying elements to form stabilizing particles in the melt, or by other means. To stabilize the molten metal bubbles, high temperature foaming agents are required. The size of the pores, or cells varies and forms randomly to the whole block.


– Modern and dramatic appearance.

– 100% recyclable.

– Non-Combustible with a flame spread of zero.

– Highly Corrosion Resistant.

– High strength, long term durability and ultra light weight material.

– Heat insulating and resistant material and totally mold and mildew free.

– Available in different colors.

Flammability Test

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