ALUMIBLAST is developed to protect human lives and major facilities from getting affected by heavy explosion. The protection container is developed and tested with the global standard using ALUMIBLAST panel as a main feature. It can control the transmitted pressure to the target structure under a certain blast pressure on the yeild strength of the ALUMIBLAST. Performance of these panels with different scaled distances was evaluated by standard blast tests. Though the protection container has passed its structure for a certain blast pressure which is globally tested and passed it can be developed for higher range of explosion based on the thickness, density and skin plate properties of the panel which plays the most important parameters to estimate the transmitted pressure to protective structures.

Advantage of ALUMIBLAST Resistant Container:

– Can defend blast pressure, bomb fragment and bullets.

– Extendable with multiple containers

– 100% nonflammable and EMP shield – prevention of flame damage

– Able to withstand against 7.62 mm MSC (Mild Steel Core) Bullets.

– Able to withstand explosion of TNT 5 kg from 1 m distance.

Unprotected Container

Before Explosion Test

After Explosion Test

ALUMIBLAST Resistant Container

Blast-Resistant Container

After Explosion Test